Book Structure & Binding

Artist Books


This series of artist books explore the craft of book making and binding, using the book as a storytelling medium that blur the line between art and design.

The Joker and the Queen

A single page book that can be unfolded, and is bound without using glue or thread that visualizes the themes of love and vulnerability, explored in Ed Sheeran’s song The Joker and the Queen through the metaphor of playing cards.

'The Joker and the Queen' box and book'The Joker and the Queen' Spread
'The Joker and the Queen' Inner Front Cover'The Joker and the Queen' opened up
'The Joker and the Queen' Inner Back Cover'The Joker and the Queen' poster form

Treasures in the Trash

A collection of stoops on @StoopingNYC's page between August 1 - September 21, 2022 about finding something valuable buried under “junk,” visualized through silhouette cutouts of the found objects. This book was printed on 100% recycled acid-free speckletone paper, and bound using a stab binding technique.

'Treasures in the Trash' book
'Treasures in the Trash' Spread
'Treasures in the Trash' turning pages
'Treasures in the Trash' cover opened up
'Treasures in the Trash' detail

Roll up the Blinds // Get the Blinds Down

A double flag book with intricate laser cut details and acetate windows, that explores the routines of people in their homes in response to night and day, exploring the dualities of outside and inside, light and dark, in relation to themes of privacy and comfort.

'Roll up the Blinds' Cover'Roll up the Blinds' in stretched form'Roll up the Blinds' flat on table
'Get the Blinds Down' cover'Get the Blinds Down' stretched outRoll up the blinds // Get the blinds down: top view

Twenty Two Roses

The book made by embroidering on used black tea tea bags, is in memory of my maternal grandmother, and speaks of culture and tradition passed down through generations, evolving into ways of remembering loved ones we have lost. Each rose represents a year since she passed away.

'Twenty two roses' book in box'Twenty two roses' detail
'Twenty two roses' book in box'Twenty two roses' detail of display
'Twenty two roses' flat on table'Twenty two roses' in displayed form

Setsubun (節分)

This 72 inch accordion and tunnel book explores my interest in studying alternate ways of measuring and reading time, particularly focusing on non-western cultures. Thus, the book depicts the 24 mini-seasons followed in Japan based on the Earth’s orbit around the sun, through watercolor landscape paintings inspired by Japanese woodcut prints.

'Setsubun' book details
'Setsubun' book in box
'Setsubun' opening the book