Speculative Open-source webpage



A website where people can memorialize everyday places they have now lost. It has the potential to extend to more serious and urgent subjects such as gentrification and immigration.

The concept critiques the objectivity and inherent bias of a map or an application like Google Maps that is entirely situated in the present and will only show you what is currently located at a particular spot.

Creating symbols to represent lost spaces

The online survey asked respondents to detail key characteristics of their lost space along with the name and address. A system of symbols was developed to create a combination of symbols to represent each of these lost spaces.

Initial Research of Existing System

Collected responses and anecdotes

Respondents also had the option to provide a short anecdote or memory attached to their lost space.

Stylistic Choices - 45 Degree Angle
Stylistic Choices - Color Palette
Stylistic CHoices - Dark Theme

Next Project

Anonymity & Traces